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What To Know: Disability Income Protection

Insurance Benefits

What is it?

If you had to miss work for a while, ever wonder how the bills would get paid? Keep the lights on? Food on the table? Workers Compensation is there if you get hurt on the job, but what about while playing that pick-up basketball game, chasing after your kids, or simply taking a bad fall? Almost every American shares that same concern, as most don’t have the 6 months of bills saved up like most financial experts recommend. Disability Income Protection is designed to give you the peace of mind of knowing you’ll be able to keep going even if you can’t work for up to 6 months or a year.


How does it work?

The Disability plan will give you a monthly check in case of accident or sickness on or off the job. There is a 14-day unpaid waiting period before a claim can begin, so you would need to be out for at least two consecutive weeks. However, if you’re admitted into the hospital due to a sickness the 14-day waiting period is waived. Maternity is also covered under this plan and our enrollment specialist can help with details.

If you are out, it’s your doctor who decides if you can or cannot work, not the insurance company. This benefit can be used over and above your sick and annual leave. The money comes to you tax-free, similar to a net paycheck and if you’re out for 90-days or more the insurance company waives the premium until you go back to work. The amount you receive monthly and the length of time you would be eligible to receive is chosen by you; our enrollment specialist can guide you through that process.

Why would you need this?

If you’re like most Americans, you probably don’t have 6 months of expenses sitting in your savings account for ‘a rainy day’. Some folks turn to credit to get them through, however as numerous financial experts will tell you, that can become a slippery slope.

The Disability Income Plan helps you avoid those possibilities. Instead of worrying about how you’ll put food on the table and roof over your head, you can focus on recovery. Being able to work with a doctor you know and are comfortable with ensures you receive the care and advice you need to get back to work when you’re ready. Your sick and annual leave can be used to get you through the first 14-days, if need be, and then saved for the future instead of used up to cover only part of your time out.

A colleague at work introduced me to Fed Benefits Center.  When my son was born early, our hospital indemnity insurance policy provided financial stability during an extended hospital stay.  Thanks to our disability insurance benefit having been deposited timely into our account, I enjoyed peace of mind and the ability to be in the moment with my newborn.  Now it is my turn to recommend this valuable resource to friends and colleagues.  Partnering with Fed Benefits Center provided our family with financial protection when we encountered an unexpected twist on our journey toward immense joy. 


Jelesia H, West Virginia

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